Saturday, November 15, 2008

My First Regret

I don't make a huge habit of regret, there is always a reason, lesson, or something greater to come out of every mistake. Plus, if I personally took up the habit of regret for all MY mistakes, well, it would certainly not make for a life of good living; so I try not to do it. 

Right now, I feel real and palpable regret for not being stateside in a major city for the protests tomorrow morning. I am lamenting that I will not be among my girlfriend, my friends, my community to send this message, the message that our relationships will count and fuck anyone who says otherwise. I am sorrowful that I wont have that moment in person with that community as a whole nation says, "enough." I believe that what will take place tomorrow will be history making, because we are a nation on fire, people hungry for change, and we are riding high on the idea that we can affect change after the election. The power of those people is incredible, and it is an energy that we haven't had in ages. Tomorrow Barack Obama will hear that message that while to win this election he had to run on a platform that did not support marriage equality, he will face a nation that will require him to change his tune if he wants to win the next one.

We are at the helm of this movement, and I am in Guam. And fuck, I'm too tired to even get out what is in my head, because I was damn hungover today. Lame.

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